Friday could not have come sooner. I am so over school it's ridonk. Summer needs to be tomorrow or I might just throw my books away, curl under my bed & refuse to come out until I see some green grass.
I'm spending my evening at home (real home..not college home) and am loving it. Tonight we dyed my Mom's hair with a LUSH henna hair dye. It's an organic, chemical-free dye and gives your hair a silky, smooth texture along with natural coloring. I used it to dye my hair red over Christmas and loved it.
Anyways, we had some girl time & I was reminded how much I appreciate my family and being here with them. Dorm life can drain the life right out of me, and I am soaking in having my own space here. I never fully appreciated how special "home" really is, that feeling of contentment and security, until I was gone. I'm glad, because now I see it for what it is and don't take it for granted. Well, I'm off to play with my new Royal Typewriter and listen to some records. Cause it's that kinda night.

I hope you have a wonderful Friday, all.

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