It's Saturday here in sunny ole Minnesota. HA JUST KIDDING, it's cold and rainy. A tremendously fun duo that leads to me spending most of the day in my room avoiding a 1000 word paper like the plague and not changing out of my pajamas till dinnertime. The one positive thing I did do was allowing my friend Lindsay to drag me out of bed at 10am to go workout. Otherwise I've been a sloth.

I've never been a schoolie. In high school I was an average student. I got B's and one or two A's and that was fine. I didn't have high expectations for myself academically and my parents didn't really care as long as I wasn't flunking out. But college is different, college is harder than I've ever had to try at school to keep my head above water. And obviously this doesn't come as a surprise to me, but I do have to say I'm thoroughly fed up with it now that April is here and I can smell the faintest whiff of summer.

I know it sounds childish to say, but can I just have my dream job already and skip the Biology tests and Spanish presentations?

Anyways, all this to say, the countdown to summer begins now and I'm posting this to prove I didn't completely waste my Saturday. Good weekend to you all.

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