This year has been anything but what I expected. I don't know about you, but I fully believe people can change. 100%. When I look back at myself, even 9 months ago, I see how I've come such a long way from where I was. 

I've made discoveries about myself that I never even gave a second thought before. This coming year, I hope to put to practice this process I've begun of getting to know myself. For so long I've felt out of sorts, like there were parts of me that needed freeing but I didn't know yet what they were. But really, I just wasn't willing to take the time to find out.

This quote by Jim Elliot hits me hard. "Wherever you are, be all there." Those words hold so much power. I'm tired of being half of myself, of holding back, of accepting the mediocre. I want to be extraordinary and I want to create beauty like I've always dreamed.

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