Finally, finally summertime is almost here. Living in the Midwest, we obviously put summer on quite a pedestal over the other seasons. There's nothing like spending months in a frozen tundra and getting to watch it transform into a green paradise of sunny skies and lake outings. It makes the whole experience that much more savory.
So, in full support of said months to come I thought I'd throw together a few things I am looking forward to most about this delicious time of year.


1. A week in good ole' Cali
A  few friends and I are going to be taking our first solo trip together to California for a whole 8 days in June! Our first time flying together (some of them have only been on a place once before in their lives...nuff said) and for some a first time in the ocean. It's going to be pure bliss.


2. Room Reno
That's right, I am finally going to revamp my bedroom. That means new paint, new furniture (hello antiquing) and some crafty projects coming my way. Some of my favorite things. Trust me, once I start you'll be seeing a lot more pictures than you ever wanted to. (Also, this photo is not my room- ha not by a long shot. It is, however, pure inspiration.)

(juliannehough instagram)

3. Friends
If summer is about anything, it's about spending time with friends. You've had a whole year of pent up hard work and stress to prepare you for this break- use it wisely. I plan on weekly beach trips and plenty of late nights under the stars.

(500 days of summer)

4. Some record scouring...
Since I got my record player for Christmas, I've had zero time (or money for that matter, can you say TEXTBOOKS??) to build my collection. I can't wait to spend lazy afternoons driving around to find some great oldies but goodies. 


5. Live music
Another all time favorite for the warm weather and looser schedules is finally getting to go to go to some concerts. Who wants to wait in line when it's -5 degrees out? (Ok I admit, I've still done it plenty of times) But give me some 80 degree days and I'll be there two hours early to get that front spot. 


6. Roaaaaaad tripppppsss
What's better than getting in the car and just driving? Whether it's a day trip or a long weekend, summer is the perfect time to get in those road trips, with the windows down and the radio raging. I'll take as many as I can get.

So, sorry it's been a few days since my last post. Busy and all that blah blah, you know how life can be sometimes. But I'll try to post everyday. Thanks & enjoy! Leave a comment and let me know some of your favorite summer activities, maybe we can swap. Happy Friday!

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