Sometimes I just want God to pick me up off the ground, shake me and tell me exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. What am I doing wrong? What am I doing right? Where should I be at this point in my life? Because right now I feel like I'm doing about everything wrong, no matter how hard I try. I know it won't be like this forever, I have hope for the future and the months to come, but right now- right now it's hard.
Life is hard.
I remember when I was ten years old and I would come home from school, grab a Capri Sun and climb up into my tree house. I'd lay on my back as my leg swung over the side, watching the trees fit into the sky above me.
At that point in my life I thought that with years came clarity. The opposite is true, actually. Sure, there is also plenty of good that comes with age. But I'm constantly surprised by how much I never expected my life to turn out the way it did.
Every day I'm just trying my best to make it go according to some semblance of a plan. Some days I succeed and some I don't. And that's just how it goes.
Right now, I'm just praying for a little better established plan- that's all.

So God, if you're reading this ; ) I'd appreciate some help. I know you've got it, I just need to receive it.

Thanks for the rant-erstanding.


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