Let me just say, I hope you're Easter is going better than these kids. It's my Mom's birthday, so we are double booking holidays this year. I pray that your day goes well and that we all keep in mind why we celebrate Easter every year. Thanks to our Lord and Saviour who died and rose from the grave on this day in the greatest miracle ever seen to man. We owe it all to Him. May God bless you all and enjoy your time spent with loved ones on this lovely Sunday afternoon.

To go with my post on summer fun to look forward to, I also wanted to share some styles I'm excited to try out once the warm rolls in.

1. Hats hats hats
 Hats of all shapes and sizes, I want to master them all. Backwards baseball caps, a straw hat for the beach or boating, or as Julianne Hough wears so adorably below, the black fedora. The perfect fun summer accessory. I don't know why I've never tried this before, but come May, I'm breakin' out the hats y'all.
(juliannehough instagram)

2. High waisted shorts, did I hear that right? 
Yes, yes you did. I know this trend has shot off like a rocket, in some ways not for the better. And I don't generally jump on the bandwagon for things like this, but I actually love the look, in some cases. Especially the style of some faded jeans turned shorts. 

3. Head Wraps
  I have seen this around, although it hasn't really caught on much yet. I like the summery, music festival feel of it, if that makes any sense. It's just an unexpected touch to a look that takes a little bit of guts to pull off.

4. Strapless Tops
  There is something refreshing about having your bare shoulders in the sun. Whether it's strapless dresses or tops, I am anticipating some very freckled and pray to God, even tan? shoulders. 

5. Let's Romp
  Oh, you knew it was coming.
The infamous romper. I recently bought one from Forever 21 that I'm head over heels for, but haven't had a chance to wear out of my own bedroom yet. 
I love their playful freshness. 

Finally, finally summertime is almost here. Living in the Midwest, we obviously put summer on quite a pedestal over the other seasons. There's nothing like spending months in a frozen tundra and getting to watch it transform into a green paradise of sunny skies and lake outings. It makes the whole experience that much more savory.
So, in full support of said months to come I thought I'd throw together a few things I am looking forward to most about this delicious time of year.


1. A week in good ole' Cali
A  few friends and I are going to be taking our first solo trip together to California for a whole 8 days in June! Our first time flying together (some of them have only been on a place once before in their lives...nuff said) and for some a first time in the ocean. It's going to be pure bliss.


2. Room Reno
That's right, I am finally going to revamp my bedroom. That means new paint, new furniture (hello antiquing) and some crafty projects coming my way. Some of my favorite things. Trust me, once I start you'll be seeing a lot more pictures than you ever wanted to. (Also, this photo is not my room- ha not by a long shot. It is, however, pure inspiration.)

(juliannehough instagram)

3. Friends
If summer is about anything, it's about spending time with friends. You've had a whole year of pent up hard work and stress to prepare you for this break- use it wisely. I plan on weekly beach trips and plenty of late nights under the stars.

(500 days of summer)

4. Some record scouring...
Since I got my record player for Christmas, I've had zero time (or money for that matter, can you say TEXTBOOKS??) to build my collection. I can't wait to spend lazy afternoons driving around to find some great oldies but goodies. 


5. Live music
Another all time favorite for the warm weather and looser schedules is finally getting to go to go to some concerts. Who wants to wait in line when it's -5 degrees out? (Ok I admit, I've still done it plenty of times) But give me some 80 degree days and I'll be there two hours early to get that front spot. 


6. Roaaaaaad tripppppsss
What's better than getting in the car and just driving? Whether it's a day trip or a long weekend, summer is the perfect time to get in those road trips, with the windows down and the radio raging. I'll take as many as I can get.

So, sorry it's been a few days since my last post. Busy and all that blah blah, you know how life can be sometimes. But I'll try to post everyday. Thanks & enjoy! Leave a comment and let me know some of your favorite summer activities, maybe we can swap. Happy Friday!

Sunday funday. Nothing like the sound of an old typewriter and some hazelnut coffee. Oh and did I mention my Mom's famous quiche? I might be in heaven.
When I was little I used to spend all my free time writing stories. Unfortunately, I've had a strong case of writers block for a few years now (that or have lost my patience with sitting in front of a blank computer screen). But today I decided to break out the old typewriter 
and it actually worked. There's nothing as refreshing as a creative outlet. I hope your Sunday was as relaxing as mine.

xo, Liz

Sometimes I just want God to pick me up off the ground, shake me and tell me exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. What am I doing wrong? What am I doing right? Where should I be at this point in my life? Because right now I feel like I'm doing about everything wrong, no matter how hard I try. I know it won't be like this forever, I have hope for the future and the months to come, but right now- right now it's hard.
Life is hard.
I remember when I was ten years old and I would come home from school, grab a Capri Sun and climb up into my tree house. I'd lay on my back as my leg swung over the side, watching the trees fit into the sky above me.
At that point in my life I thought that with years came clarity. The opposite is true, actually. Sure, there is also plenty of good that comes with age. But I'm constantly surprised by how much I never expected my life to turn out the way it did.
Every day I'm just trying my best to make it go according to some semblance of a plan. Some days I succeed and some I don't. And that's just how it goes.
Right now, I'm just praying for a little better established plan- that's all.

So God, if you're reading this ; ) I'd appreciate some help. I know you've got it, I just need to receive it.

Thanks for the rant-erstanding.

I don't care that I just posted about music, I'm going to do it again, and probably again soon after that. There's no such thing as too much good music. These are just some of my favorite female albums, most of them pretty recently produced. I hope you enjoy.

1. Kacey Musgraves "Same Trailer Different Park" 2013
I know this is a brand new album but I already love it. Now, I generally don't take in too much country at all, but I have to say Kacey's lyrics and voice really get to me.
Favorite's from the album: Follow Your Arrow, Merry Go Round (of course) & Dandelion

2. Dia Frampton "Red" 2011
I know I just talked about Dia in my 5 favorite songs right now, but in reality I'm obsessed with her entire album right now. Honestly, there is hardly a song I haven't been struck by.
Favorites from the album: Daniel, The Broken Ones & Don't Kick the Chair

3. Katy Perry "One of the Boys" 2008
Okay, okay I know what you're thinking. But I am not ashamed to say she is one of my favorite contemporary pop artists. Mostly because I adore this album in particular. The songs are less poppy and more about the lyrics. Also Katy Perry gives me this whole kick ass girl power vibe that I really love.
Favorites from the album: If You Can Afford Me, Thinking of You & I'm Still Breathing

4. Kimbra "Vows" 2012
Some of you may have read my earlier post about Kimbra's concert. She is such a unique sound in music right now. Her voice and the way she arranges her music has this rare quality that I really can't get enough of. She was also the sweetest musician I've seen live.
Favorites from the album: Cameo Lover, Two Way Street & Posse

5. Lana del Rey "Born to Die" 2011
I literally can't say enough good things about Lana's music. Her voice is also unique to anyone I've heard before. Her lyrics are so dark and tragic, but so beautiful. Her albums are very complementary of each other and I find myself completely lost in the songs. This one in particular.
Favorites of the album: Radio, This Is What Makes Us Girls & Summertime Sadness

(most photos from google)

This is what today did to me. 
Kinda feel like I got pushed down the stairs and stomped on a few times.
It's just one of those days where everything that could go wrong did and I was in no mood to take it. All I can say is thank God tomorrow I don't have classes, work, or any responsibilities for that matter. I may just stay in bed all day and not even change out of my pajamas or brush my hair- so there.
Anyways, I took some pictures of some of my favorite things in my room to remind me of what makes me smile. Thought I'd share them. (Forgive that they're taken with my iPhone, as I lost my camera's charger and have been too lazy to pay for a new one.)


You know that feeling you get when something really special is about to happen? When you can just feel it, everything gets sort of quiet and your brain snaps into focus. This is why I love movies- this feeling. Obviously it doesn't come with every film you see, but when it does, when you get lucky and watch a truly great movie- it's magic.

One of my favorite things to do to fill a lazy day is go on Netflix and find movies I've never heard of and try them out. You may recognize some, but here are a few pretty great ones I've seen...

1. The Giant Mechanical Man with Jenna Fischer & Chris Messina
First of all, this is probably one of my favorites. This film is about people who are stuck in life and how everything can seem hopeless if you're alone. Messina is a street performer, while Fischer is in between jobs and living in her sisters house. Their chemistry is unique and the writing is great. 

2. Management with Jennifer Aniston & Steve Zahn
Okay, I realize many of you have probably heard of this movie, but how many have actually seen it? I remember when it came out but I never had any interest in it. I was so wrong. It's the perfect mix of comedy & drama with an interesting look at relationships. Aniston is a businesswoman who doesn't remember what it feels like to be happy and Zahn is a motel employee. Zahn is trying to show her that happiness is still a realistic option for her.

3. Broken English with Parker Posey & Melvil Poupaud
This is a love story. But it's a little different and gives someone as socially awkward as me a little inspiration : ) Posey is an absolute mess of a woman in her thirties who finds magic with Poupaud, a frenchman. 

4. Stranger than Fiction with Will Ferrell & Maggie Gyllenhaal
Okay if you haven't seen this movie, go watch it now. Will Ferrell is perfection. He's still his usual hilarious self but in such a toned down, understated way that it's wonderful. The story is that he wakes up one morning and hears a voice narrating his life. 

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