"I don't wanna be, be in your posse girl, I don't wanna be caught in your social machine. I don't wanna be, be in your posse girl, it's not my scene, I don't need your company." -Posse

I was lucky enough to see Kimbra in concert this past Tuesday at the Varsity Theater in Dinkytown. Let me just say, beyond amazing. Kimbra's vocals are even better live, if you can believe that. The thing I love about live shows is that no matter how many times you listen to a song, nothing compares to seeing it performed by the artist. It's more personal, and it's something you will have forever.
I've always had a deep love for music. My first real concert was Nick Jonas & The Administration, (yes I am appropriately embarrassed by this) and even though I sometimes hesitate to tell people I paid to see him, I have to admit that I remember the night like it was yesterday. This is simply because it launched my love of seeing performers live. There is nothing like the feeling you get when you're standing mere feet from the stage with the speakers blaring so loud you can feel the beat down to your very core.
In the four years since then I've never gone more than a few months between concerts, and they never lose that magic, trust me.

All to say, Kimbra was probably my favorite thus far. Her energy, dress, vocal tricks and that charming New Zealand accent combined into the perfect night of entertainment.


So, I may or may not have stolen this shot from Pinterest, but it is similar to what my day is looking like. Minus the beautiful room. Our living room is a bit of a disaster as we are doing some renovations, but I did build a fire and I am sitting on my couch enjoying it, if that counts. 
It's my first weekend home since I left for college 7 weeks ago, and let me just say, as cliche as it sounds, there really is no place like home. I love it here. My house is pretty big, not fancy or anything, just deep & wide, with lots of space. I love how you can get lost in it and just be alone or the family can all congregate in the kitchen and enjoy being together. It's the perfect mix. We live on a hobby farm, so looking outside you see fields, trees, barns, and depending on the season, a bundle of color. Of course, today is a rainy exception. 
Being home makes my heart warm and the stressors of college melt away. For four days I'm not going to think about assignments, work, or even friends. I'm simply relishing in the fact that I'm home with my family and my dogs. Some of my favorite things to do when I'm home are...
  • After everyone has gone to bed, I go down in the basement and watch Jimmy Fallon with a dog on each side, cuddling and scratching for about two-three episodes where I shamelessly laugh alone. 
  • Doing exactly what I'm doing as I write this post, and as I did for many Saturdays the past 7 years we have lived in this house: sprawling out on the living room couch with a cozy blanket, my computer, and some soft music. 
  • Help my Dad work. My father, an artist beyond measure at building and designing, always has a project going. Right now he is completely renovating the master bedroom, closet, and bathroom. It's coming along beautifully with dark hardwood floors, white archways, and antique barn wood covering one of the walls. 

It's been hard being away from this place, but I need to hold on to the fact that I'm lucky to have it at all. 

   Meet Max. Our furry guest this week. I'm watching Max for his parents while they are away and let me tell you, he is just as charming as he appears.

   This is the face that wakes me up at seven in the morning on the edge of my pillow pleading to be let out.
  Saying I'm a dog person is an understatement. Every time I dog sit I fall in love and end up watching them go with a heavy heart. But that's okay because I've got two lovelies of my own to cheer me up.

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